eAssessment was carefully designed to allow your children do exercises as often as they want and provides instant Output Learning to assess your children's understanding of a particular subject taught in school. This feature will give the students random chapters in its sequent numbers. eAssessment have 3 level where the student feel that this part as their game which they have to score 80% to open a new level. And 80% means score A.
Your children can select a subject at any one time and instantly find out if they have understood what they have learn and review their understanding of the subject. As parent, you will then be able to identify your child's strength and weaknessess so that timely measures can be taken correct any shortcomings before the actual examinations
When a student is practicing with eAssessment, answers are corrected instantly allow the student to learn from their mistakes. Each question allow the student four attempts to find the right answer. Each attempt that is incorrect will have 1/3 point deducted, and when the wrong answer is selected, the student will be informed instantly, thus "forcing" the student to re-read the question before his or her 2nd, 3rd or 4th attempt. This installs the habit of reading the question carefully and understanding it before attempting an answer.