I believe that every parent want to give their best education for their children (if you agree with me, please say 'yes'). Let say there is no score A program or this number one e-learning program not available in Malaysia, I believe parent will bring their child for tuition :

TUITION CENTRE ( let say they charge parent RM80/subject)
For UPSR students : Rm80 x 5 subjects =RM400
For PMR students : RM80 x 7 subjects = RM 560
For SPM students : RM80 x 9 subjects = RM720

STUDY MATERIAL (free for score A user)
Note book = RM???
Past year question (5 years only) = RM???
Exercise Question = RM???
Dictionary = RM???

Petrol to bring student to tuition =RM???

So, can you tell me how much parent will spend for your children education every month just to make sure that they can get excellent in their exam.

For SCORE A PROGRAM, it only cost you RM 600 for 6 month

RM600 for 6 month

How much you spend for a month = RM100
For package 1 (standard 1 to form 3), you can register 2 children
RM 100 / 2 child = RM50 permonth for a child.

For package 2 (form 4 and form 5), you can register a child
= RM100 permonth for a child.

If you have more child, you only have to add RM60/child and it become cheaper (please attach your child certificated to add dependent).

After 6 month later, your only need to top up RM250 for 3 month =

RM250 for 3 month + RM250 for next 3 month = RM500 for 6 month top up.