We offering you 3 business plan package, you can choose it with you ready capital. WHAT !!! YOU CAN BEGIN YOU BUSINESS WITH RM1788 !!! Yes, its true .. i also cant believe that there is a business with this low capital. It is really low even to begin "GORENG PISANG" business , we have to get at least RM8000 ready capital. GRAB IT NOW

1st Commision is EDU-REWARD (or sponsoring bonus)
If you take package e-partner and sponsoring a friend who take e-partner , you'll get rm140 for his or her registration, if they take e-entrepreneur , you'll get rm210 and so on according to timetable below:

In this commission, you'll get RM80 if your virtual office (will be given after you register) detect a pair in your system. You'll get this bonus for infinity every time there is a pair in the system (it doesn't care whether you sponsor the person or you network sponsor them).
But in this commision, company only be able to pay you maximum 10 pairs/day. But 10 pairs is a lot. If you get 100% 10 pairs perday, your potential earning permonth for an account is :
10 pair x Rm80 = RM800 PERDAY (wwwwooowwww)
7 days x RM800 = RM5600 PERWEEK (WOOOOWWWW)
4 weeks x RM5600 = RM22,400 PERMONTH (WWWWOOOOWWWWW!!!!!)
This calculation is only for a account. Try to calculate yourself , if you take e-partner (3 accounts), e-entrepreneur (7 accounts) and e-max (11 accounts). It is another .....
(We don't see this business in 3 or 4 months but we want to know what we can be in 3 or 4 years from now. I believe that 10 pairs perday is possible in 2 or 3 years from now)

3rd commission is K-reward (or 4th level leadership bonus):
After our networking are growing, i believe that we automatically (we want or not), we are their leader, :-) so in k-match company will give you extra 5% from total income from Level 1 to Level 4 of your networking (your 30 first level networker)

So, how it is. Are you shocking with these commission. So do I. But it true and achievable. Let me ask you a question, let don't think about that 5 or 6 figures amount. Do you think if you get another extra RM3000 permonth, do you happy enough? Can it make a different in your life? Think about it, i dont want to force you but HEYYY THE OPPURTUNITTY IS IN FRONT OF YOU ... TAKE IT OR NOT